ICAEW Positions

The purpose of this webpage is twofold. First to assist those who may wish to appoint me as accountant arbitrator, mediator or determiner. Second as a platform for my ICAEW work. I am proud to have served the ICAEW & chartered accountants. My current roles are as a both a practice & business law committee member, & I would wish to assist any chartered accountant in either of those roles.

LSCA - President

I am the immediate past President of The London Society of Chartered Accountants (LSCA). This icon takes you to the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW) website and the LSCA section. Proof of presidency can be found by searching the ICAEW website or by looking at documents in my LinkedIn Drop Box.

ICAEW London - Council Member

I was formerly London Council representative for the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW). This icon takes you to ICAEW Council membership section of the ICAEW website.

ICAEW Business Law Committee member

I sit on the ICAEW Business Law Committee which considers pending legislation and advises the government from an accountants perspective.

ICAEW Practice Committee

I sit on the ICAEW Practice Committee, which is designed by members in practice for members in practice, to be a representative voice for practice within ICAEW.